
Showing posts with the label Armageddon

The Coming War

Several times  Revelation  describes a future war, the final assault by Satan against the followers of Jesus before the judgment and descent of New Jerusalem. In each case, the Greek term translated as “war” is singular, and its noun form is accompanied by the definite article or “the.” It is “ THE war .”

End of the Dragon

Satan is released from the Abyss and launches his final attack on the saints, but he is the one who is defeated and judged . The time has come for his final demise. The book’s second literary division introduced the enemies of the “ Lamb ” - The “ Dragon ,”  “ Beast ,” “ False Prophet ,” and “ Babylon .” In the third division, their destruction occurs in reverse order – “ Babylon ,” the “ Beast ” and the “ False Prophet ” together, and now, the “ Dragon .”

Two Beasts Destroyed

The Rider on the White Horse destroys the beasts from the sea and the earth at the last battle, Armageddon  – Revelation 19:17-21.  In chapter 19 of  Revelation , John sees the destruction of the “ Beast from the sea ” and the “ false prophet ” at the final battle when the “ rider on the white horse ” overthrows the forces of “ Gog and Magog .” The passage does not state where this occurs other than on planet earth. The focus is on the destruction of the two beasts and their consignment to the “ Lake of Fire. ”

Rider on a White Horse

The Messiah “shepherds” the nations by the “word” that proceeds out of his mouth in preparation for the final battle  -  Revelation 19:11-16 .  The vision now anticipates the destruction of the “ beast ” and the “ False Prophet ” by introducing the warrior figure riding a “ white horse .” The groundwork for the coming “battle” was laid with the announcement of the victory of the “ Lamb ” over the “ beast ” and the “ kings of the earth ” in chapter 17 (For he is “ Lord of lords and King of kings ”).

Kings of the East

The “ sixth bowl of wrath ” presents an army led by the “ kings from the east ” from beyond the Euphrates River, a picture derived from prophecies of Babylon's overthrow by the “ Medes and Persians .” At the end of the age, God will use a “pagan” force once again to destroy “ Babylon ,” only this time, “ Mystery Babylon ” of the last days.

Sixth Bowl

The first four “ bowls ” targeted the economy of the  World Empire , and the fifth destroyed its political power. Now, the sixth “ bowl ” unleashes demonic forces that gather the “ kings of the earth ” to the final battle of the “ Great Day of God the Almighty ,” namely, “ Armageddon .”