
Showing posts with the label Caesar

Servant or Caesar?

Jesus rejected Satan’s offer of unlimited political power and instead chose of the way of the Suffering Servant - Matthew 4:8-11. Satan tempted Jesus by offering him political power over “ all the kingdoms of the world .” However, he refused the Devil’s offer . Instead, he submitted to the way of the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ that led inevitably to his death on the Roman cross. Satan tempted The Son of God in four ways. The most seductive was the offer of power over the nations - (Matthew 4:8-11).

Paul on the State

Paul instructed believers living in the Roman Empire not to resist the government since its existence and authority were arranged by God .  Writing to the churches of Rome, Paul presents principles for Christian conduct in relation to the State. Believers must “ subordinate themselves to governing powers, for there is no authority except by God .” His statement was written when Nero ruled the Roman Empire, the same man who became the first emperor to persecute the church.

Fleeting Power

Despite human pretensions, History demonstrates  WITHOUT EXCEPTION  the impermanence of political power and governments. Rome endured for a thousand years, but that Empire fell all the same. Like life, political power is fleeting, and regimes often collapse quickly and unexpectedly when their allotted time expires. Only the “ Kingdom of God ” will endure.

Kingdom or Christendom

In popular usage, the English term ‘Christendom’ refers to “that part of the world in which Christianity prevails,” either because most of a nation’s citizens claim to be Christian, or because a specific church or denomination is recognized by the State as the country’s official religion. Thus, the nation becomes identified as “Christian,” it is one of the “Christian nations” as opposed to the less enlightened non-Christian peoples and cultures of the planet.

Embracing Leviathan

The inhabitants of the earth willingly venerate the Beast and take its mark, although believers are not immune from its allurements . And discussions about the “ Mark of the Beast ” invariably focus on questions about what it is - a medical implant, a barcode, or a tattoo – as well as the significance of its “ number ,” ‘ 666 .’ As important as these questions are, far more critical is the issue of how the believer can avoid taking the Beast’s mark or its “ number .”