
Showing posts with the label Dragon

End of the Dragon

Satan is released from the Abyss and launches his final attack on the saints, but he is the one who is defeated and judged . The time has come for his final demise. The book’s second literary division introduced the enemies of the “ Lamb ” - The “ Dragon ,”  “ Beast ,” “ False Prophet ,” and “ Babylon .” In the third division, their destruction occurs in reverse order – “ Babylon ,” the “ Beast ” and the “ False Prophet ” together, and now, the “ Dragon .”

Beast from the Sea

The “ Dragon ” was poised to attack the “ Seed of the Woman ” as he stood on the seashore summoning his “seed,” the “ Beast from the Sea ” and the “ Beast from the Earth .” Having failed to destroy the Messianic “ Son ” and the “ Woman ,” he set out to annihilate her “ Seed ,” the men who had the “ Testimony of Jesus .”

War in Heaven

The saints overcome the Dragon through the death of the Lamb and their faithful witness even unto death  – Revelation 12:11.  In Chapter 12 of the book of  Revelation , the “ sign of the Great Red Dragon ” appears in the heavens, signifying that the “ war ” has commenced between his forces and those of the “ son ” who is destined to “ shepherd the nations .” But the result of Satan’s attempt to destroy the “ son ” is his expulsion from “ heaven ,” and the proclamation of the victory of the “ brethren. ”

War on the Earth

After his expulsion from heaven, Satan wages war against the seed of the Woman, those who hold the testimony of Jesus .  Having failed to destroy the messianic “ son ,” and now, thoroughly enraged, the “ Dragon ” vents his rage by pursuing the “ woman ” into the “ wilderness ,” not by waging war against the " inhabitants of the earth .” But he is thwarted in this effort, so instead, he turns his rage on her offspring – the men and women who “ have the testimony of Jesus. ”

The Messianic Son

In Chapter 12, John saw a new “ sign ” in the heavens, the Woman “ clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet .” She was wearing a “ crown of twelve stars .” She was pregnant and about to give birth to one identified as “ son .” He appeared in fulfillment of the Messianic promise in the  Second Psalm , the King and Son of God who was destined to “ Shepherd the Nations .”