
Showing posts with the label False Prophet

The Coming Storm

The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers and the Lawless One before the Day of the Lord arrives . The New Testament repeatedly warns us that before Jesus returns his Church will be attacked from within by deceivers, “ false anointed ones ,” and “ false prophets .” Before the “ Day of the Lord ” begins, his disciples will be confronted by the “ Man of Lawlessness ” whom the Apostle Paul links to the “ Apostasy ,” the final great “ falling away ” from the true faith.

False Prophet's Power

The False Prophet employs economic pressure to retaliate against those saints who refuse to render homage to the Beast from the sea .  In Revelation , the “ False Prophet ” employs the economic power of the first Beast against those who refuse to give allegiance to the Empire , and he wields the “ mark of the Beast ” as a weapon for enforcing compliance. The ability to level economic penalties against nations, communities, and individuals is the key to his persecuting power.

The Beastly Religion

John saw the “ Beast ascending from the Earth ” intent on deceiving the “ Inhabitants of the Earth .” The “ Beast from the Sea ” is characterized by its political power. In contrast, the “ Beast from the Earth ,” the “ False Prophet ,” uses religious performance and propaganda to deceive men, and economic sanctions to suppress all those who do not submit to its demands.

Two Beasts Destroyed

The Rider on the White Horse destroys the beasts from the sea and the earth at the last battle, Armageddon  – Revelation 19:17-21.  In chapter 19 of  Revelation , John sees the destruction of the “ Beast from the sea ” and the “ false prophet ” at the final battle when the “ rider on the white horse ” overthrows the forces of “ Gog and Magog .” The passage does not state where this occurs other than on planet earth. The focus is on the destruction of the two beasts and their consignment to the “ Lake of Fire. ”

Mark of the Beast

All men who refuse to follow the Lamb will render homage to the Beast and take its mark  – Revelation 13:16-18.  The “ False Prophet ” uses the power of the first “ Beast ” against anyone who refuses to give full allegiance to it. Its “ mark ” is an economic tool. Commerce is the lifeblood of the  World Empire , and leveling sanctions against nations and peoples is its enforcement mechanism. Economic restrictions mean deprivation and suffering for their victims.

Beast from the Earth

The “ great voice in heaven ” pronounced “ woe ” on the “ Inhabitants of the Earth and the Sea because the Devil has descended to you, having great wrath .” The “ Dragon ” then began his war against the “ Seed of the Woman ” by summoning his own “seed,” the “ Beast from the Sea ” and the “ Beast from the Earth .”