
Showing posts with the label King

The Royal Servant

Following his baptism in the Jordan River, the Voice from Heaven identified Jesus as the Son of God and the Servant of the LORD . The theme of fulfillment is prominent in Matthew’s Gospel . The promises of God are fulfilled in Jesus, the Anointed Son sent to redeem Israel and rule the nations. Peter confirmed that he was the “ Messiah ” but failed to understand that he would undertake that role as the suffering “ Servant of Yahweh ,” a misunderstanding that persists to this day. Christ’s true identity and the significance of his mission are revealed in his Death and Resurrection.

David's Son

Jesus is the son of David, the heir to the Messianic Throne, the beloved Son of God, and the Suffering Servant of Yahweh . The Gospel of Matthew calls Jesus the “ Son of David .” In his life and death, he demonstrated what it meant to be the King of Israel and the “ Son of God .” Traditionally, the last designation was linked to the House of David; but in Matthew’s account, the old understanding of the Messiah is altered radically. The Greater Son of David is far more than the Ruler of Israel or the Nations. He is a King and Messiah of a very different kind.

Shepherding the Nations

Jesus is the promised King from the Line of David who guides the Nations of the Earth to the Holy City, New Jerusalem – Revelation 12:5. The “ Son ” pictured in the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation is the Messianic figure of the Second Psalm who is destined to “ Shepherd the Nations .” Following his Enthronement, Heaven declared, “ Now is come the Kingdom of God and the authority of His Messiah .” His reign commenced following his “ Faithful Testimony ” given in his Death, and his victory through his Resurrection. He is also, therefore, the “ Firstborn of the Dead .”

Lord and Messiah

The New Testament links the enthronement of Jesus to his resurrection and ascension by applying key Messianic texts to him. He qualified to reign because of his “ obedience unto death .” This was confirmed when God raised him from the dead and seated him  “ at His right hand ,” making this Crucified man both “ Lord and Messiah . ” He now rules over the Cosmos  as King  and Sovereign – (Acts 2:36).

The Lamb of Israel

In the Book of Revelation , Jesus is called the “ Faithful Witness ” and the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ,” and the two designations are inextricably linked. The first title establishes HOW he obtained the second and established his sovereignty over the Earth. It was by his sacrificial death that he made the saints into a “ Kingdom of Priests ,” and because of his redemptive act for them, God exalted him to reign over all things as the “ Lamb .”

Reigning from Zion

According to the Psalmist, the anointed “ Son ” would reign “ on Mount Zion… my holy mount .” As attested by the New Testament, that king is Jesus of Nazareth. His reign over the Earth began following his Resurrection and Ascension. Ever since he has been extending his sovereignty by sending his envoys to the “ uttermost parts of the Earth ” to announce his Gospel to the nations.

The Ruler of Kings

Jesus, the Faithful Witness, now reigns supreme over the Kings of the Earth, and he is shepherding the nations to the Holy City of New Jerusalem . Jesus is called the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ” in the Prologue of  Revelation . This declaration is made in the  present tense  since his sovereignty over the Earth is based on his Death and Resurrection. He does not rule by hereditary right, economic power, or military might, but because of his redeeming death. The slain “ Lamb ” is the one who sits on the Throne. His authority extends even over “ Death and Hades .”

Sovereign Over All

Jesus has reigned as Sovereign over the Earth since his Death and Resurrection, already he is seated on the Messianic Throne. Because of his obedience, he is the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth .” Before his Ascension, he declared that God had bestowed all authority on him - “ In Heaven and on Earth .” Thus, his authority is without limits and a present reality.

The Exalted Lamb

The sacrifice and exaltation of Jesus are prominent themes in the  Book of Revelation . The plan of God to redeem humanity and His creation is unveiled in its visions and images. It is his death and resurrection, and his consequent enthronement that have put this plan into action. His sovereignty over the Cosmos is the result of his faithful testimony given in his sacrificial death. Jesus of Nazareth is the “ Lamb who is worthy ”!

The Shepherd King

The  Book of Revelation  assures the beleaguered congregations of Asia that Jesus reigns and has events firmly in hand despite appearances and hostility. His Sovereignty is based on his past Death and Resurrection, and therefore absolute, extending even over “ Death and Hades .” His Resurrection from the dead marked the start of his reign from the Divine Throne.