
Showing posts with the label Sin

Purification of Sins

A key point of the  Letter to Hebrews  is the victory of the Son on behalf of his people and his exaltation to the “ right hand ” of God as their High Priest as a consequence. He secured what none of his predecessors could. Through his sacrificial death, he “ achieved the purification of sins ,” then he “ sat down ” in the “ true and greater Tabernacle ” in God’s very presence where he now intercedes for his saints.

Unpardonable Sin

A line is crossed when the activities of God’s Spirit in the words and deeds of Jesus are attributed to Satan  –  Mark 3:22-35 .  Christ’s statement about the “ unpardonable sin ” was in response to the scribes from Jerusalem who came to examine his conduct and teachings. In the preceding paragraph, his “ friends ” had concluded that he was “ beside himself .” In the present story, the representatives from the Temple accused him of being in league with “ Beelzebul ,” the Devil.