
Showing posts with the label Tabernacle

The Word Made Flesh

Jesus is the ‘Logos’ made flesh, the Greater Tabernacle where the Glory of God is revealed for all men to behold – John 1:14. The Prologue of John’s Gospel presents key themes of the Book: The declaration that Jesus is the Word made flesh .” Life and Light are revealed in him. Christ is the true “ Tabernacle ” where God’s “ Glory ” resides, not the Tent in the Wilderness. What was anticipated in the History of Israel has become reality in the “ only born Son ” of God.

The Tent God Pitched

In John’s Gospel, Jesus is the true Tabernacle where the presence and glory of God dwell. Unlike the ancient structure with its inner sanctuary that only the high priest could enter, and only once each year on the Day of Atonement, His glory is manifested in Jesus Christ for all men to see forevermore. No longer is His presence limited by physical walls, geographic boundaries, or the calendar. In the Nazarene, the Father and Creator of all things is worshipped anywhere and anytime, only now “ in spirit and truth .”

His Glory Revealed (in Jesus)

Since the Word became flesh, the Divine Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth and all who follow him behold it – John 1:14. Jesus is the  Logos  in the  Gospel of John , the “ Word become flesh ” in whom the “ Glory of God ” resides. He is the True Tabernacle foreshadowed by the Tent carried by Israel in the wilderness where the Glory of Yahweh was manifested in impressive but limited ways. The Crucified Messiah is the true and full manifestation of the Glory of the Living God.

The True Tabernacle

Ever since the Word became flesh, God’s Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth, and all who believe in him behold His splendor . Jesus is the  Logos , the “ Word become flesh ” in whom the “ Glory of God ” resides. He is the Greater Tabernacle foreshadowed in the Tent carried by Israel, the place where the Glory of Yahweh was seen in the Wilderness. His full glory is now displayed throughout the World for all men to see wherever Christ is proclaimed. Jesus is the true “ light that illuminates every man coming into the world .”

True and Greater Temple

Jesus is the true Sanctuary of God that was foreshadowed in the ancient religious structures and worship rituals of the nation of Israel. He is the dwelling place of God’s presence and glory and the true and final mediator between Heaven and Earth. The man from Nazareth was the Temple “made-without-hands” that was destroyed by evil men but restored when his Father raised him from the dead.

House of God

The  Gospel of John  presents Jesus as the True House of God and the now open way of access to His presence. Jesus is the Greater and True  Bethel or  “ho use of God .” From now on, Heaven is open to all men, and angels are seen “ ascending and descending ” on the “ Son of Man .” What Jacob saw in a vision long ago has become a concrete reality in Jesus of Nazareth.