
Showing posts with the label Witness

Bearing Witness to Israel

Under the guidance of the Spirit, Stephen gave effective testimony to the priestly leaders of Israel . The young church of Jerusalem  experienced conflicts between its Greek and Aramaic-speaking members. The apostles instructed the community to select seven men “ full of the Spirit and wisdom ” to take charge of the matter. One of them was Stephen, and the  Book of  Acts  notes especially that he was “fu ll of faith and the Spirit .”

His Witnesses

In Revelation , the men who have been redeemed by Jesus become a “ Kingdom of Priests ” sent to bear witness in a hostile world as to what the “ slain Lamb ” has done for them. For overcoming “ saints ,” persecution is not an aberration to be avoided, but an integral part of being a citizen of the Kingdom of God. To persevere in the “ Testimony of Jesus ” in affliction and even martyrdom is to follow the “ Lamb wherever he goes .” All members of his Assembly are called to be his “ Witnesses .”

Between Law and Spirit

Between the ascension and the outpouring of the Spirit, the apostles pray and appoint Matthias to complete their number  - Acts 1:12-26. After the ascension, the apostles return to Jerusalem to wait for the “ promise of the Father .” In the meantime, they appoint Matthias to the apostolic office held previously by Judas Iscariot. As the leaders of the new covenant community, they need twelve representatives to demonstrate continuity with the people of Yahweh.

Tarry in Jerusalem

The  Book of Acts  begins  IN JERUSALEM  with the ascension of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit. It concludes with Paul preaching the Gospel in the heart of the  World Empire , the city of Rome. Following his resurrection, Jesus ascended to reign “ at the right hand of God .” He then bestowed the Gift of the Spirit on his Assembly to empower them to proclaim his Gospel to all nations.

Martyrs under the Altar

The opening of the Fifth Seal revealed the souls of men kept “ underneath ” the Altar, saints who had been slain for their “ Testimony .” They pleaded with God for their vindication and for judgment on the “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” who had persecuted them. They were told to wait for Him to answer their plea until the full “ number ” of their “ fellow servants ” who were going to be slain “ just as they were ” was added to their company.