
Knowing God

Jesus Christ unveils the Mysteries of God. Only he is qualified to reveal the nature of the “ unseen God .” In him, all the promises of God find their fulfillment. He is the interpretive key that unlocks the Scriptures and the correct understanding of Bible prophecy. This is especially so in the Book of Revelation as the sacrificial “ Lamb ” reigns over the Earth and Cosmos.

Пришествие Мессии

Евангелие от Марка начинается с утверждения, основанного на отрывках из Еврейской Библии, которые служат библейской основой для служения Иоанна Крестителя и подготавливают почву для миссии Иисуса. Этот человек из Назарета был Мессией и Спасителем, обещанным Богом Израиля в Священных Писаниях.

Shepherding the Nations

The “ Son ” in the twelfth chapter of Revelation represents the Messianic figure in the Second Psalm who “ shepherds the nations .” Following the enthronement of the “ Lamb ,” heaven declared, “ Now is come the Kingdom of God and the authority of His Christ .” His “ faithful testimony ” in death and his victory through resurrection marked the start of his reign. However, he rules by “ shepherding the nations ,” not destroying them.

Why do the Nations Rage?

The conspiracy by the Earth’s kings to unseat the Messiah is applied in the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus  – Psalm 2:1-6. The  Second Psalm  is a key passage applied to Jesus by the New Testament. When were its predictions fulfilled, and is the Messiah reigning now on David’s Throne? Is the world still waiting for his enthronement at a future date? What about the “ revolt ” of nations and kings against the Son of God? Is it a prediction of a coming war between Jesus and earthly governments -  (Psalm 2:1-6)?

Lord and Messiah

The New Testament links the enthronement of Jesus to his resurrection and ascension by applying key Messianic texts to him. He qualified to reign because of his “ obedience unto death .” This was confirmed when God raised him from the dead and seated him  “ at His right hand ,” making this Crucified man both “ Lord and Messiah . ” He now rules over the Cosmos  as King  and Sovereign – (Acts 2:36).

From His Faithfulness

What identifies the people of God and determines membership in His Assembly is Jesus, especially the Messiah revealed on the cross, and nothing else! This does not mean that the Law of Moses served no purpose, but it is not the basis for determining who is acquitted of sin by God. Right standing before Him is obtained “ through the faith OF Jesus Christ ,” and not “ from the deeds of the Law .”