
Limits of the Law

The jurisdiction of the Mosaic regulations over the covenant community reached its limit with the arrival of Jesus, the Seed of Abraham . In responding to claims that Gentiles must be circumcised, Paul appealed to the common experience of the Spirit received by the Galatians.  Did they receive the Gift through a “ hearing of faith ” or “ from the works of the Law ?”  Having begun in the Spirit, why did they seek the “ completion ” of their faith based on “ flesh ” by submitting to circumcision?

Both Jews and Gentiles

The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis . Paul wrote his  Letter to the Romans  with two purposes. First, to prepare the ground for his visit to the city and his planned missionary trip to Spain. Secondly, to deal with conflicts between Jewish and Gentile believers. In the Letter, Pual explained his Gospel, and he then discussed the status of the Jewish people and the conflicts troubling the Roman Church.

До Дня Иисуса Христа

Павел выразил свою цель в том, чтобы идти к завершению, к процессу, который завершится телесным воскресением, когда Иисус придет во славе . Павел наставлял церковь в Филиппах стремиться к завершению в Иисусе. Для завершения нашего спасения необходимо телесное воскресение. Это произойдет, когда Иисус явится “ на облаках небесных ”. Бог будет продолжать делать то, что Он начал с нашего обращения, пока не завершит наше спасение в “ День Христов ”.

Until the Day of Christ

Paul expresses his goal of going on to completion, a process that will culminate in bodily resurrection when Jesus arrives in glory . Paul instructed the congregation of Philippi to go on to “ perfection ” in Jesus. Bodily resurrection must take place for the consummation of this process and the completion of our salvation. This will occur when Jesus appears “ on the clouds of Heaven .” God will continue to perform what He began with our conversion until “ the Day of Christ .” Salvation is a process throughout our lives.

Signs and Seasons

Paul did not provide detailed information on the times and seasons since the Lord would return like a thief in the night – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. Paul continued discussing the “ arrival ” or ‘ Parousia ’ of Jesus in Chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians . He addressed the question of its timing and the different ways it would impact believers and nonbelievers. Rather than signs and timetables, he reminded his readers that the “ Day of the LORD ” would come like a “ thief in the night .” Only God knew that Day’s timing, therefore, believers must remain prepared for its sudden arrival.

The Day of our Lord Jesus

Jesus will arrive on the Day of the Lord at which time the dead will be raised, the wicked judged, and death will cease forever . The coming of Jesus is an important major part of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. He touches on several aspects of the event, including its identification as the “Day of the Lord,” the consummation of God’s kingdom, the resurrection of the righteous dead, the judgment of the wicked, and the cessation of death.