
Σωτηρία για όλους!

Τα καλά νέα που ανακοίνωσε ο Ιησούς προσφέρουν σωτηρία και ζωή σε άνδρες και γυναίκες κάθε έθνους και λαού -  ( Αφιερωμένο στον αδελφό Γκρέγκορι Σόλουμ και την οικογένειά του ). Μετά την ανάστασή του, ο Ιησούς δήλωσε: “ όλη η εξουσία στον ουρανό και στη γη μου δίνεται, επομένως, πηγαίνετε και κάνετε μαθητές όλων των Εθνών! ” Μετά έστειλε τους μαθητές του να ανακοινώσουν την κυριαρχία και τη σωτηρία του στα πέρατα της Γης. Το Ευαγγέλιο άρχισε με το θάνατό του και την Ανάστασή, του επομένως, το ζωογόνο άγγελμά του πρέπει να ανακοινωθεί σε όλους τους ανθρώπους. Ο Υιός του Θεού έχει επιτύχει τη σωτηρία για τον λαό του!

The Author of Salvation

The Gospel of Jesus Christ liberates men and women of every nation from the stain of sin and the fear of death . The Epistle to the Hebrews begins by presenting Jesus as the ultimate expression of the Word of God. God has provided his ultimate answer to sin and death in His Son. By his one-time sacrificial death , Jesus cleansed God’s people of the stain of sin and freed them from Satan’s tyranny; therefore, the Father exalted Jesus and made him our “ High Priest forever ” who mediates life and salvation to his “ brethren ” – (Hebrews 1:1-4).

The Unwanted Messiah

Jesus is revealed as the Savior of Mankind in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies . The inability of men to recognize Jesus as the Son of God until after his crucifixion is a central theme of the Gospel of Mark . Ironically, the first man to do so is the Roman centurion on duty at his execution. His self-identification as the suffering “ Son of Man ” made him unrecognizable to unregenerate men. He was the Savior no one expected or wanted .

Раскрывающий Невидимого Бога

Полнота, благодать и истина Божья заключены в Слове, ставшем плотью, Иисусе из Назарета, который один видел невидимого Бога – Иоанна 1:14-18. В прологе к Евангелию от Иоанна излагаются ключевые темы Книги, включая Жизнь, Свет, Свидетельство, Истину, Славу и Благодать.  Иисус из Назарета - это Свет миру, источник Благодати и Истины, Истинная Обитель, в которой обитает Бог, единородный Сын Божий и единственный, кто видел Отца. Пролог завершается заявлением о том, что Сын - единственный, кто имеет право толковать Бога, поскольку он один видел Невидимого Бога .

The Covenant Promise

Jesus fulfills the promise to bless the nations in Abraham. He is the true Seed of the Patriarch . The biblical view of the redemption of humanity begins with the Covenant of Abraham. It included the promise that “ all the nations of the Earth would be blessed in him ,” and that he would have innumerable descendants . The covenant promises were also for his “ seed ,” but who is the Patriarch’s “ seed ” destined to inherit the promises?

The Salvation of Yahweh

Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the man from Nazareth, the Salvation promised by the God of Israel has arrived in all its glory . The angel informed Joseph that the child carried by betrothed, Mary, was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit .” He instructed Joseph to name the child ‘ Jesus ’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for humanity that He was about to reveal to the world. The world would behold the “ Salvation of Yahweh ” in Jesus of Nazareth.